And now for some pictures:
The following images resemble the visual theme or aesthetic we wish to achieve.
(Left) These two images are both from posters advertising the film Innocence, directed by Lucile Hadzihalilovic. The costume and posture are suitably childlike, and the activities of the children on the far right are similar to those we wish to portray. The colours are vivid and reflect our theme of light and dark beautifully.
(Right) A still from Innocence. Once again the childlike posture and dress (ribbons) of the character shown here, as well as the symmetry of the shot are similar to what we require in our music video. However, the colouring in this particular image is bleaker than we would want.
(Below left) A poster advertising the film Amelie. We like the bright, contrasting vivid colours used here, as well as the mischievous expression of the character shown.
(Below) A still from Amelie. The colours here are somewhat faded, indicating a vintage setting, and the contrast between the red strawberries and the green background is effective. The symmetry also adds to the images impact. The character's activity is similar to those we wish to include in our music video.
(Right) Still from The Darjeeling Limited, directed by Wes Anderson. We particularly like the bright colours and rough symmetry here which, combined with the varying expressions on the characters' faces, interest the audience.
(Below) Still from The Royal Tenenbaums, also directed by Wes Anderson. Once again the symmetry of the shot and the contrast of the bright red matching costumes and white background make the shot visually arresting.
(Below) Another image from The Royal Tenenbaums. Contrasting with the earlier image, the cluttered and busy background conceals the characters at first. Their position, beneath the desk, is one essentially childlike in nature, and the oddity of their surroundings accentuates this.
Photographs by Eleanor Hardwick also capture our desired aesthetic:
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